Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Musings

I look at 2009, and discover I've undergone several changes and growths. I've learned alot about myself, and about others. In learning these things, I face 2010 with bright spirits, new expectations, and fresh hopes.

Additionally - I begin the year with a new outlook. For example, I've discovered I have a strong side that I didn't know existed. I knew I was strong in situations requiring strength, however, this is a new and different kind of strength.

This strength comes from learning about my Dominant desires over others.

2010 begins with new promises, new hopes, and new realities. I face 2010 with defiance of anyone to try to knock me down, or get in my way of my dreams.

I hope 2010 brings renewed strength and hope to everyone who may need it.
I hope 2010 brings humbleness to those whose ego's are out of control.

Lady Sirena