Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lessons in Dominance and Submission

Learning I am more Dominant than I first thought was a surprise - and not an overly unpleasant one. I've learned how to truly enjoy this aspect of life, and having a wonderful playmate to explore with is even more enjoyable.

What do you do when you discover that playmate isn't as submissive as he himself believed himself to be?

You take a step back and look objectively at everything.

Can Dominance and submission be a part time lifestyle?

For some, I'm sure it can be. For me, I don't seem to have the ability to be part time. Each time I try, I find my Dominant nature to extend to all aspects of our life causing conflict between us.

How do you tell your submissive he's not as submissive as he believed himself to be?

Not easy considering I've been telling him that for the better part of a year and he isn't believing it - yet the conflicts are still there to tell otherwise.

Anywho - enough of my rambling..... off to pack and prep and who knows what else.

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