Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New concept in Rewards/Punishments/Directives

Putting this in writing for both our references not only to keep it sane and logical, but this way, when My memory fails me (yes, I will admit.. I am of the age when memory is an issue sometimes)

For behavior that makes me beam with pride - my angel earns stars. The happier I am with his behavior, or his activity the more stars he earns to a max of 5 stars per event.

These stars can be used as bargaining chips.

Should I fit him with a punishment - he may use a star to lessen the punishment a step or cash in enough stars to avoid the penance completely.

These stars may also be used towards trainings should he choose - only AFTER asking me if he can cash in a star per hour of training.

Perhaps - we can work a balance after all even through the distances we face.

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